Instead of thinking about how gloomy and awful 2020 was, there were good things I watched, listened to, read, and enjoyed (most of which was due to having extra time for these things and there was nothing else to do!). Here are those things from 2020. Film I watched 96 U.K. 2020 film releases during…
Author: Nadine Shambrook
Ways to feel more in control of your social media apps
I shared the following post on my Instagram feed (@nadineecohome) and wanted to provide more detail here. The average user spends just under 2 hours and 30 minutes on social media a day. This length of time has likely increased during a worldwide pandemic too, as we’re spending more time at home and less time…
October Favourites
One of my favourite months didn’t feel so normal this year. It’s hard and it’s getting harder as the U.K. goes into another lockdown. When we are on the other side of this, I will be glad I kept a note of the things I was liking because, while it doesn’t seem like I’m having…
September Favourites
Another quick month. Don’t quite remember how I felt during it. It got colder, darker earlier, all the while I was doing the same old things I’ve been doing most of the year: watching things, staying home, scrolling online. I will need to make sure I spend October prioritising my mental health, because I can…